Hi, I'm Ali!

I'm passionate about health & fitness, I love taking my dog to the beach, finding the best espresso martinis, spending time with family & friends, and catching up on the latest shows on Bravo.

I believe that effective design is not only about creating visually appealing graphics but also about crafting narratives that resonate with people on a deeper level. I look forward to continuing this fulfilling journey, making a positive impact on brands, and contributing to the advancement of wellness-focused businesses. Let's collaborate and create something extraordinary together!
Throughout my experiences as an athlete, a CrossFit coach, and a marketing manager, I have gained a unique perspective on design. It has allowed me to understand the needs and preferences of the business and their target audiences.

Whether it's developing logos, brand identities, designing websites, or creating marketing materials, I am dedicated to delivering innovative and compelling solutions that leave a lasting impression. I thrive on collaborating with clients to grasp their vision and bring it to life through my design work.

After losing my job as a Marketing Manager in 2021, I never knew this was road I was going to go down but I've never looked back and I've been happier and more confident in my work! ☺

Some of my favorite designs

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